
Male problem: gynecomastia. How to get rid of male breasts?

Full, clearly defined breasts are one of the most important attributes of femininity, a symbol of beauty and attractiveness – at least according to the classic canon of beauty. On the other hand, a man’s chest should be the opposite of a woman’s build – muscular, hard, with no excess fat or glandular tissue. Unfortunately, it often happens that the torso deviates from aesthetic standards. Overgrowth of adipose tissue or mammary gland, responsible for the so-called “Male breasts” can cause serious complexes, lack of acceptance, lowering of self-esteem, and consequently even depressive states. Fortunately, you can get rid of gynecomastia – in a safe, fast and almost painless way. 

In this article you will learn:

  • What is Gynecomastia?
  • What are the types of gynecomastia?
  • What are the causes of gynecomastia?
  • What does gynecomastia removal look like? 
  • How can your life change after gynecomastia removal?

Gynecomastia – an embarrassing problem

Fat accumulation in the chest area is a problem that many men struggle with. The torso, which looks like a woman’s breasts, stands out clearly – even underneath clothes – and is difficult to hide. Moreover, it is usually very hard to get rid of, and even intense training and dietary changes do not help.

Unfortunately, in many groups, the appearance of men suffering from gynecomastia is often the cause of stigma and has unpleasant peer, sexual and in some cases even professional consequences.

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is an overgrowth of fat, glandular, or fibrous tissue on the chest. This problem affects almost half, about 40% of men, and can manifest itself at any age – from teenage to mature.

The main symptom of gynecomastia is male breast enlargement. Most often, this problem affects both breasts, but sometimes unilateral or asymmetrical gynecomastia is also observed (one breast is much more enlarged than the other). Some men may also have additional symptoms such as breast tenderness and hypersensitivity, which additionally causes discomfort and worsens the quality of life.

What are the types of gynecomastia?

Due to the type of tissue around the hypertrophied breasts, there are three main types of gynecomastia:

  • Adipose gynecomastia (lipomastia, the so-called pseudogynecomastia) – in this case, mainly fat tissue is accumulated in the torso, sometimes with a small share of fibrous tissue . This is a common type of gynecomastia, usually associated with being overweight and obese.
  • Glandular gynecomastiaglandular -tissue is responsible for breast enlargement, which, after removal by a surgeon, should be subjected to histopathological examination.
  • Mixed gynecomastia – there is both an excess of adipose tissue and an overgrown gland in the breasts.

Determining the type of gynecomastia is necessary to plan a medical procedure. The type of tissue is determined, inter alia, by on the basis of ultrasound diagnostics and on the basis of the results of hormonal tests.

What are the causes of gynecomastia?

One of the main causes of gynecomastia are hormonal fluctuations (too high estrogen levels and too low testosterone levels). These conditions occur naturally during life and can be severe at certain times, for example:

  • Adolescence in boys. Juvenile gynecomastia is a physiological, normal phenomenon that occurs during adolescence and is caused by the action of hormones, which are extremely active at this time. Enlarged breasts disappear spontaneously in about 60% of men, after the end of puberty and achieving a hormonal balance. In the remaining 40%, juvenile gynecomastia turns into fat or glandular.
  • Andropause in mature men. Male menopause usually occurs between the ages of 40 and 60. During this period, there are also advanced changes in the endocrine system, which translates into tissue reconstruction in the breast tissue around the nipples.
  • Diseases of the kidneys or liver, preventing the proper metabolism of sex hormones, cause endocrine disorders.
  • Taking certain medications, especially preparations for infertility, high blood pressure or gastric ulcer disease. Gynecomastia can also appear as a result of taking anabolics.

Gynecomastia can also occur as a result of being overweight or obese, which we see especially often nowadays, in the post-lockdown period, when a large proportion of people have significantly reduced the amount of exercise. The tendency to gain weight also occurs in COVID-19 convalescents, because they often suffer from reduced physical capacity and fatigue in the first months after recovery.

What is the treatment of gynecomastia?

Treatment of gynecomastia depends on its type and causes. If the breast enlargement was caused by a disease, such as renal failure or cirrhosis, it must be treated. Regulation of hormone levels usually results in regression of gynecomastia.

In other cases, when gynecomastia appears as a result of being overweight or it is impossible to determine its causes (idiopathic gynecomastia is up to about 50% of all cases), aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery procedures are used (after determining the type of tissue that causes breast enlargement).

In the case of adipose gynecomastialiposuctionmost often performed ,is, i.e. suction of excess fat tissue. Liposuction is performed under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation (without anesthesia). The procedure takes only 60-90 minutes, and it is safe to return home shortly after its completion. Liposuction does not leave visible scars (during the procedure, two small, several-millimeter incisions are made), and its effects can be enjoyed almost immediately after leaving the clinic – although the final shape of the torso is visible after a few months (after the swelling has completely disappeared).

A particularly effective type of liposuction, performed in patients with gynecomastia, is VaserLipo® – ultrasonic liposuction, considered one of the safest and least invasive, which is carried out by the best aesthetic surgery clinics, such as the Liposuction Center – specializing in body contouring and offering as many as 10 types liposuction.

Gynecomastia requires a minor surgical procedure to excise the overgrown tissue. The procedure takes about an hour and, like liposuction, is performed under local anesthesia (the patient may also choose to undergo intravenous sedation). Soon after its completion, you can go home. After removal of the gland, the collected tissue is sent for histopathological examination.

The effects of gynecomastia removal are visible immediately after the descent, but their final shape can be observed after the swelling has subsided.

In mixed gynecomastia, the above techniques are combined – liposuction and surgical removal of the gland. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia (and sedation). It takes a little longer than 2-3 hours, but after its completion, the patient can go home.

Removal of gynecomastia – a new quality of life

Gynecomastia is a problem that can significantly reduce the quality of life. In young men, it causes a lack of acceptance, and even ridicule, harassment or exclusion from a peer group. Unfortunately, this is a common phenomenon, especially in conservative, closed societies and is usually due to a low level of education. Removal of gynecomastia can save young patients from many unpleasantness and allow them to enter adulthood in a peaceful and happy way.

In mature men, gynecomastia is associated with many problems of a personal nature. Oversized breasts are responsible for the reluctance to establish close relationships, weakening the libido and avoiding intercourse. Regaining a classically attractive torso allows  to rebuild  self-confidence and the pleasure that comes from intimacy and sex.

Currently, gynecomastia removal procedures are minimally invasive, safe, short, and the effects can be spectacular and appear quickly. They are also widely available, but it is worth remembering that it is always important to choose the right specialists who have the appropriate experience in their implementation.

In our work, we are guided primarily by the good of patients and the desire to improve their quality of life.